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A Personal eVTOL Aircraft


Zipping around in the sky on your own seems like a far off dream for most people but perhaps not for long.  Jetson Aerospace has developed the "Jetson One" - a "build-your-own" eVTOL Aircraft that has already sold out of it's 2022 production units, 2023, 2024, and even 2025 as well ( ) This eVTOL Aircraft is considered an ultra lightweight vehicle so it doesn't require a pilot's license to fly. This means hopefully one day the average joe could experience soaring through the skies. 

Jetson Aircraft

It helps ensure it can be used by anyone by being packed with safety features such as a LIDAR sensor, software that limits how fast you can travel depending on your surroundings, parachutes, and zero-input hovering.  However, while it may not require a license to fly,  it will not be permitted in certain areas or controlled airspace due to its classification.  

The unit is delivered as a fully assembled frame with other components needing to be installed.  It comes equipped with Tesla batteries which allow 20 minutes of flight time.  This is a limited amount of time compared to a standard private aircraft such as a Cessna or Piper so while it may not solve the commuting woes, it certainly can be a fun "toy" for a joy ride. 

Cessna 206

Piper PA-34 Seneca

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